Новини України та Світу, авторитетно.


Our countries – both Japan and Ukraine have a deep history, but the cooperation between Ukrainean Republic and Japan during the soviet historical period developed through a Moscow-led network of control and inspections.

Japan was directly discussed in Ukraine only in connection with the Chernobyl disaster in april of 1986 for the first time in Ukraine. So, Japan was the first country which come to Ukraine to help overcome the terrible consequences of Chernobyl atomic station nuclear explosion. 

Japan established diplomatic relations with Ukraine in 1992 and started economic cooperation in 1997. Since then, Japan has continuously provided support for the consolidation of democracy, social stability, and transition to a market economy, in order to help Ukraine’s self- reliant and sustainable growth.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations (January 26, 1992), 79 bilateral documents have been signed between Ukraine and Japan. The key document defining the main area of cooperation between the two states, is the Accord on Support for Ukraine and Cooperation between the Government of Japan and Ukraine.

Japan, which is still experiencing the terrible consequences of the American bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear and hydrogen bombs, was the first to respond to hethe disaster in Ukraine, the first to provide necessary assistance to the people affected by the radiation of Chernobyl. Cooperation in this sphear ruled by Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Japan on cooperation in the field of elimination of nuclear weapons, which is subject to reduction in Ukraine, and the creation of a committee on cooperation for these purposes, which was signed in 1994, and on 16 July 2018 the agreement was expired. 

Assistance for Supporting Chernobyl-Affected Individuals in Ukraine.  On February 16 (Monday) 2004, the Government of Japan and the United Nations (UN) decided to extend assistance of a total of 1,214,249.49 US dollars through the Trust Fund for Huma n Security for the project “Helping Individuals Address their Fears, Problems and Risks in Chernobyl-Affected Communities” to be implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This project aims to support communities in the Chernobyl-affected areas in Ukraine.

Main Activities. (1) Building Self-Reliance and Dignity

This activity is to help restore the sense of independence and dignity of members of the Chernobyl-affected communities, who suffer from symptoms of apathy and depression, by promoting their participation in locally run improvement projects of public facilities including schools and medical facilities. The estimated number of beneficiaries is 20,000 individuals in about 70 communities.

(2) Creating Livelihoods and Economic Opportunities

Given the decline of agriculture industry after the nuclear accident, this activity will promote revitalization of the local economy through establishing small economic projects and providing local business training programs. The estimated numbers of beneficiaries are 500 entrepreneurs and 100 individuals.

(3) Protecting Threatened Lives in Contaminated Zones

The objective of this activity is to support local radiation awareness on internal radiation contamination and to motivate local people to take an active role in building community radiation safety programs. The estimated numbers of beneficiaries are 30 communities and 6,000 individuals.

This project is expected to address the various problems that the victims of the Chernobyl accident are facing and to promote the revitalization of local economies. Japan established the Trust Fund for Human Security in the United Nations Secretariat in March 1999, with total contributions of 22.9 billion yen up to the present. The Trust Fund has assisted numerous projects of UN agencies that address various threats against human lives, livelihoods and dignity, from the perspective of Human Security.

J would like to tell you about some pozytive characteristic feachers of Japanese society in my mind.

1. Japan activly appeared in the independent Ukfraine and Ukrainian information space with the cultural diplomacy – famous cartoon TOTTORO and Japanize Kitchen. There is not a child who would not like this film! There is not a family which don’t know about MISSA-SOUP and so on.. The name of famous Japanize writer which lewes in USA remined to us the Restrant Marukkami in the centr street of ukrainean capital Kyiv…

 2. Japanese people loves animals very much. We know the story about the Island of Cats where cats live and rule…It is very instructive for us too.

3. We read the story about the CAT-CONDUCTOR with special train officer clouthes on a train and a plane. There is deeply instructive – such idea saved companies from collapse during Covid. 

There are small examples demonstrate the tolerance and kaindness of japanese society stand.

Thesis 1. CHORNOBYL DESISTER. We remember the help of the Japanese people in eliminating the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Japan was one of the first to extend help to Ukraine. Then medcine, technicians, engineers came to us, they organized special equipment for cultivating the territories which were under Urfanium.

Japan raised the issue of assistance to Ukraine in the UN. Then the feature of Japanese society attracted attention: help the victims who need it.

Thesis 2 is the protection of world democracy. Attack on Ukraine, undermining the principles of international law – caused indefinition of japanese society.

So, we see the especially aktivization of Japan Policy in Ukrainean question was the involvement of North Korean troops on the Ukrainian front. Since this is already a violation of all their norms of civilizational behavior.

As a result: in Nov. 16, 2024 — Japan and Ukraine agreed to “strengthen cooperation” in the security sector.  Thus, security cooperation between Japan and Ukraine will be promoted more systematically – the head of Japanese diplomacy noted. The Japanese minister made an unannounced visit to Ukraine to demonstrate Tokyo’s commitment to Kyiv in its fight against Russian military aggression. (Memorandum on cooperation between the National Coordination Center for Cyber Security under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the National Center for Preparedness for Incidents and Cyber Security Strategy of Japan was siegned).

Such situation and Japanise position has activated South Korea too.

Thesis 3. Material Assistance. 3 Jun. 2024 Japan has committed to and provided Ukraine with financial, humanitarian and other assistance totaling over 12 billion USD, starting in March 2022, including 4.5 billion US dollars support for 2024.13 черв. 2024 р.

The position of Japan declares the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its borders, which have been internationally recognized since 1991, and it very importanincluding the territorial sea; The Question of sea Zones is very serous question for Ukraine.

We remined you about the Areas of Support and Bilateral Cooperation Ukraine and Japan:  Assistance and Cooperation in the Field of Security and Defense; Gapan has contributed to the NATO Comprehensive Assistance (CAP) Trust Fund for Ukraine; treatment of injured Ukrainian military personnel; and intelligence cooperation in the security and defense sector. And so on. 

Humanitarian assistance to vulnerable populations, including women and children is the Another feld of Japanese help. 

Economic reconstruction and industrial development, namely:

development of the agricultural sector; innovative manufacturing, including biotechnology; digital technologies and information/information and communication technologies; reconstruction of critical infrastructure, such as transport and energy infrastructure; involvement of the Japanese private sector in recovery and reconstruction projects in Ukraine. The author reminded readers about the interesting project in the agrecultural sphere. On June 6, 2015 the Agreement (in the form of an exchange of notes) between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Japan on the provision of a loan for the implementation of the modernization project of the Bortnytsky wastewater treatment plant as part of the implementation of the project “Reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities and construction of a technological line for processing and disposal of sediments of the Bortnytsky aeration station”.

The development of Ukrainian-Japanese relations in the field of science and technology is important, especially in the context of project implementation and joint research by research institutes of both countries. In order to establish systematic long-term cooperation in science and technology, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement between the USSR and the Government of Japan on Cooperation in Science and Technology (October 10, 1973), the Joint Statement on Partnership in the 21st Century and the Press Release Cooperation between Ukraine and Japan in the Field of Science and Technology (July 21, 2005), On February 15, 2006, the First (Constituent) Meeting of the Ukrainian-Japanese Commission for Scientific and Technical Cooperation (CSTC) was held in Kyiv. The results of the meeting were presented in the form of a Record of Negotiations. Special attention was paid to discussing the practical experience of Ukraine in overcoming and minimizing the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, prospects and ways to use the professional potential of our country to help Japan eliminate the accident at Fukushima-1.

In July 2013, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, President of the RIKEN Institute R.Noyori visited Ukraine, discussed issues of cooperation between Japan and Ukraine in the field of science and technology, development of interdisciplinary research, improvement of mechanisms for cooperation of scientists with industry.

On December 6, 2013, Memorandum of Understanding and Scientific Cooperation was signed between the State Fund for Basic Research (SFSF) and the Japanese Society for Science (JSPS). Ukraine joints Grant Support Program for bilateral research projects. Based on the above document, the SFFF and JSPS conduct an examination of inquiries to assess the quality of the proposed projects, including the competence and experience of researchers and the results of project implementation [5].

Other Areas of Assistance and Cooperation: Cybersecurity, Maritime Order, Industrial Cooperation, Countering Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats. On September 24, 2019, with the support of the State Agency of Ukraine for Exclusion Zone Management, Fukushima University and the National Institute for Strategic Studies signed a Memorandum of Scientific and Technical Cooperation in improving radiation control in the exclusion zone and improving the relevant Ukrainian legislation.

The Japanese Side will continue to provide support to Ukraine in strengthening nuclear safety, security and safeguards, for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), including through joint efforts on paragraph 1 of the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

V. Compensation for Loss, Damage and Damage Caused by Russian Aggression.  Japan demandes that Russia must be held accountable for its internationally wrongful acts, for the damage caused to Ukraine, and must pay for the long-term reconstruction of Ukraine. Just Peace based on the principles of the Ukrainian Peace Formula. 

Thesis 4.  Japan discovered UKRAINE

“But today the situation is completely different, today every Ukrainian in Japan will tell you that saying in Japan “I am Ukrainian” is pride, it is support, sincere admiration for the Japanese of Ukraine. They discovered our state for themselves,” the ambassador said.

The information space. There pubished 60 books about Ukraine. Previously, it was two or three books a year

Thesis 5. Refugees According to the Japan Migration Service, as of December 2023, there are about 4212 Ukrainian citizens living in Japan, including 2651 temporarily displaced persons. At the begening o war Japan accepted 2718 Ukrainians. It seems that the figure is small compared to Europe. But for Japanese scales it is the same, that itds seriously help.

According to the Japan Migration Service, as of December 2023, there are about 4212 Ukrainian citizens living in Japan, including 2651 temporarily displaced persons. A significant number of Ukrainians are in the country as family members of Japanese citizens and have permanent resident status with all the rights and social guarantees of Japanese citizens (1415). According to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), as of May 2023, 253 Ukrainian students are studying at Japanese universities under scholarship programmes. Ukrainian organizations officially registered in Japan: “Japanese-Ukrainian Cultural Association” (in 2018 in Nagoya), “Japan-Ukraine Friendship Association Kraiany” (in 2021 in Tokyo), “NPO Beautiful World” (in 2021 in Ikishima, Nagasaki Prefecture) [6]. Japan fully supports us in international courts.

 On the 28 of February 2025 was a big Holiday in Nepal – NEW YEAR of the Tibethean people. And on that day the eathquake was near Kathmandu (5.2) . Such situation is a reminder to us – to people about the small line of life… So, we – people – HOMO Sapiens must protect each other and help each other survive.

L. Chekalenko



