Новини України та Світу, авторитетно.


Discourse of foreign policy issues, as a necessary systemic component of decision-making and the development of relevant scenarios, as well as finding answers to complex questions of modernity in the foreign policy activities of any state, is designed to realize the national interests of each subject of international relations. Steps to the implementation of this policy begin with the world recognition of the state as a subject – not an object! – international law and granting the right to protect this status, which enables the development of a contractual and legal network of documentary confirmation of state existence. Such a contractual and legal basis can be quite strong, which depends on the scale of state interests, as well as the international weight and influence of the state entity.

Relations with foreign countries of bilateral and multilateral dimensions are constantly evolving and conceptually changing under the pressure of global and regional conditions. And in this constantly changing kaleidoscope, it is quite difficult to predict the further course of events and the political future. It is difficult, but necessary. Foreign policy and diplomatic discourse deals with these problems, which will be discussed in the presented article.

Discursive schemes of research into the origins, formation and implementation of the aggressive nature of russian imperialism prove an irreversible process that has engulfed russia itself – its fascism. The aggressive nature of russian imperialism led to russia’s brutal war against Ukraine. The aggressor is trying to destroy our community and Ukraine as a democratic state, ignoring the fundamental norms and principles of international law. The raised problem of foreign policy discourse is a new in the system of scientific research in the conditions of war.

Analysing the foreign and domestic policies of leading figures – politics and diplomats at the world political sphere, you conclude that their activities often led to changes the system of international relations. So, the implementation of often inadequate actions and the adoption of appropriate decisions were dictated by thelessons of memory that they received during their lives. 

The European policies and practices of the integration association as the European Union – receive special attention from society. The history and memory of them are a kind of foundation for the justification of the decisions made within the EU, explanations of the motivation of the relevant discourses. Turning to the historical experience of the European integration generations, the discussion of the mentioned issues took place with force recently – at the end of the 20th century, which we associated with the historical date of the founding of the European Union 1993.

Motivated by the relevant guidelines of democratic governance, whose credo is the protection of human rights, European integrators turned primarily to the protection of human heritage, from which we still draw fateful ideas and skills. The topic of protection of human assets was devoted to a long-term discourse within the European Union about the cultural code of each nation. So, the result of this discourse was the introduction of the first provisions on European values into the Treaty establishing the EU. European values were finally fixed at the beginning 2000 – EU summit in Nice. All of the above-mentioned issues are in one way, or another related to  prominent individuals who created and implemented the idea of European integration.

The foreign policy Discourse is very popularity in Ukraine. Іmportant problems of external and internal politics are widely discussed not only by officials and diplomats, but also by scientists and society. Today in the conditions of war all of Ukraine kept on with our struggle to restore territorial integrity and fair peace for Ukraine, fighting the full-scale Russian armed aggression against our state.

        We would like to remind you that our diplomatic staff are faced with questions that require an urgent solution. The top priority of President of Ukraine Volodymyr ZELENSKY’s diplomatic team remains to increase military aid to Ukraine, provide Ukrainian defenders with high-tech weapons and ammunition, and expand the Ukrainian military’s land, air, and maritime capabilities.

In October 2023, the meeting of EU foreign ministers in the Ukrainian capital indicated Kyiv’s role as a centre of European politics. For the first time inhistory, a crucial negotiation platform of the 27 European Union member states took place beyond its present border but within its future one.

According to Dmytro KULEBA, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Ukraine can become a model of leadership for the post-war world and a legendary success story. Ukrainian diplomacy systematically carries out coordinated foreign policy, not only for the sake of Ukraine’s victory but also for our state’s strategic leadership. The heroism of our warriors and the fortitude of our citizens have already allowed Ukraine and Ukrainianness to shape our global brand of freedom andcourage. Our task is to hold on to political positions and capitalise on our real influence, converting it into billions-worth contracts and investments, advanceddefence industry and innovation partnerships,

​Jointly with other relevant institutions, Ukrainian diplomacy is actively developing our defence industry.At the start of this year, our MFA came to a conclusion: if Ukraine’s defence forces are to receive steady weapon deliveries, we must take the quality of the global defence industry’s work to a new level. And we succeeded. 252 companies from more than 30 countries came to Kyiv in late September to participate in the International Forum of Defence Industries.

It brought together the world’s manufacturers of tanks, artillery, drones and antidrone systems, and ammunition, developers of innovative software, and owners of unique sophisticated technology. During the Forum, Ukrainian and foreign entrepreneurs signed about twentydocuments, founding new mutually beneficial partnerships. The Forum ushered in a new era of the development of the Ukrainian defence industry. We are not simply pulling foreign weapons into Ukraine but integrating the Ukrainian defence industry complex into the NATO defence industry. 

​Together with NATO member states, we are founding strategic defence industry partnerships and joint weapon and ammunition production for our troops. When combined with the defence industries of allies, the robust Ukrainian defence industry complex doesn’t just yield high-tech weapons for the AFU but also seriously advances our profile in the international arena.

Ukrainian diplomats continue working with partners to develop regional alliances and cooperation frameworks, as security, welfare, and stability in CentralEurope are our shared responsibility. The regional architecture of the alliances Ukraine creates together with its Central European neighbours is a means of collective defence against the Russian aggressor; it is a network for promoting shared interests, an instrument for establishing defensive, economic, and technological partnerships etc.

The another strategic target of Ukrainian diplomacy is implementing the Peace Formula to restore global security as well as comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in Ukraine. Russian full-scale aggression against Ukraine has shown the weakness of international institutions, their incapacity to defend sovereign states from the wickedness of tyrants. 

Ukraine’s objective does not end at restoring territorial integrity within its

internationally recognised borders; it also seeks to restore a secure and fair world order for all, preventing future aggression against other countries. The Ukrainian Peace Formula also provides for the improvement of the UN’s capacity to protect the fundamental principles of international law. That means prompt crisis response,early prevention of new wars, effective opposition to aggressors, and unconditional observance of the principles of the UN Charter. 

          President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in his speech at the meeting of the UN Security Council in September2023 proposed a comprehensive reform of the UN Organisation based on the Peace Formula, suggesting introducing the mechanism for overriding the veto, expand the number and regional representation of permanent members of the UN Security Council, and establish a system for aggression prevention through early response.

           The third strategic target according to Minister for Foreign Affairs is the globalisation of Ukrainian interests. Those interests are not divisible, and thus, our diplomats continue strengthening Ukraine’s positions on all continents. If Ukraine seeks to preserve its role in the world’s processes and its freedom and sovereignty, we must play the global game, strengthening the relations with the new prospective players and actively supporting our entrepreneurs as they enter new markets. 

          Ukrainian diplomats continue developing the Nazovni platform, which helps our entrepreneurs enter new markets and promote Ukrainian goods and services.Ukraine is a strategic player in the global food market. That only goes to once again underscore our state’s global role and potential. 

​The fourth strategic target is the reform of Ukrainian diplomacy (Minister for Foreign Affairs). – We are building a brand-new diplomatic service that will not only secure Ukraine’s victory on the international front but also adequately handle future challenges, preservingand strengthening Ukraine’s positions of leadership. We have opened the diplomatic service for Ukrainian and foreign professionals, people who are willing and determined to protect Ukrainian interests abroad.

          Ukraine’s victory and Russia’s defeat will inevitably change the world, accelerating the complete transformation of international order. Thanks to the new defensive capabilities, the implementation of the Peace Formula, the confident presence across all continents, and the reworked diplomatic service, Ukraine will approachthat moment strong and ready like never before.

          Today, Ukrainian wartime Diplomacy does the impossible to make all this possible – it will be happen!And this POSSIBLE will be the VICTORY.

Professor Chekalenko Liudmyla D., diplomat



